Tuesday, November 8, 2011

It's like Buttah...

Shea butter to be exact. Chances are if you have ever used an amazing moisturizer it had shea butter in it. 
Shea butter is second to none when it comes to moisturizing, and don't even get me started on all the other amazing attributes shea butter has. Oh what's that now? I should get started? Perhaps you find yourself unaware? 
Living in a world free of the knowledge of the wonder that is shea butter; is let's face it,  a really sad (not to mention dry) world. 
So let me take a moment if you will to enlighten you on all that is shea butter.
  To start shea butter is loaded with vitamin A.
Yep vitamin A. You know it you love it, but did you know that vitamin A helps to smooth out wrinkles in skin? Leave your worries, and your age lines to the natural wonders of vitamin A. Shea butter also mimics the bodies natural oils which is what makes it such a fantastic moisturizer. It is as if your skin opens the door and welcomes the familiar face right in. Nature is a wonderful thing. So is it any wonder why we here at Sodeë Naturals LOVE shea butter? Now get out there and get your buttah on!

1 comment:

  1. READMORE THE MIRACLES OF ACTIVATED CHARCOAL FROM BORNEO FOR OUR HEALTH in http://zabdielnotes.blogspot.com/p/zabdiel-riset-arang-aktif-charcoal.html
